
Weber’s intense playing highlights his focused yet flowing compositions.
– D.P. in Free Jazz Collective 27/05/24

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In nine original compositions, Nico Weber creates space for contemplation. Together with his quartet (Maxim Burtsev on piano, Jakob Jäger on bass, Leo Ebert on drums), he crafts a distinctive warm sound on the debut album ‘Ela’, one that is pure and unadulterated, delving into depth. The unmistakably contemporary jazz-rooted titles impress with melodic beauty. On the alto saxophone, Florian Trübsbach adds a special touch to ‘Ela’ in his features, seamlessly blending with musical elegance into the full sound of the band.

media statements

ela – nico weber kwartett


Nico Webers approach of playing the trumpet and flugelhorn is deeply rooted in both contemporary and traditional jazz. With great stylistic confidence and melodicism as well as improvisational elegance, he embodies a jazz soloist in all his individuality. His trumpet playing is characterized by tasteful phrasing, delicate articulation, and a full warm tone. His performance on the flugelhorn is soft and flowing. Weber’s original compositions reflect expressive power and musical maturity.

more about me

nico weber kwartett
jazzkapelle augsburg

official music video of era – nico weber kwartett